可以杠杆的股票软件 高盛:维持Corporacion Inmobiliaria(VTMX.US)评级

发布日期:2024-11-05 22:51    点击次数:66

可以杠杆的股票软件 高盛:维持Corporacion Inmobiliaria(VTMX.US)评级


高盛:维持Corporacion Inmobiliaria(VTMX.US)评级,由中性调整至中性评级, 目标价由42.00美元调整至32.00美元。

Vesta Real Estate(VTMX.US)公司简介:Corporaci髇 Inmobiliaria Vesta SAB de CV engages in the development of real estate properties. Its business activities include site selection, design and engineering, build-to-suit projects, sale and lease back, industrial buildings for lease, park-to-suit projects, acquisitions of properties leased, and asset management. The company was founded by Rodolfo Gerardo Balmaceda Garc韆, Lorenzo Manuel Berho Corona, Stephen B. Williams and Javier Fernandez Guerra in 1998 and is headquartered in Mexico.


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